

Sharing data entities on Sprinkle is a breeze, which makes collaboration within teams effortless! 😄🎉

You can share any sprinkle entity, such as dashboards, reports, SQL transforms, etc., with others, granting them specific access (e.g., view, edit, etc.).

Feature Walkthrough 🚶

With various permission options suited to different users, share your entities with ease and enhanced control.

Permission Types:

  • VIEW: Users or groups with this permission can only view the resource.

  • EDIT: Users or groups with this permission can edit the resource.

  • EDIT_SETTINGS: Users can edit resource settings as well.

  • MANAGE: Users or groups with this permission can even delete the resource. Resource owners or users with MANAGE permission can revoke any shared permission at any time.

Permissions are a superset of individual user, role, and group permissions.

For example, an analyst role has View and Edit permissions on reports. However, sharing a report with an analyst only with view permission still gives both view and edit options.


To manage permissions, click on the settings icon.⚙️

The owners can choose to allow or disallow editors from changing permissions and sharing further.

Click on the check box to opt-in. Other users can share the resources with more users or groups with permission that is the same or lower than theirs.

For example, if a resource is shared with EDIT permission with user Alpha, Alpha can further share the resource with another user Beta with VIEW or EDIT permission only.

Last updated