Click Behaviour
Choose what happens when
Overview: Click Behavior Configuration for Enhanced Interactivity
The click behavior feature empowers users to customize the interactive functionalities of each card within the dashboard. Editors can tailor the click behavior for specific tiles on the dashboard, ensuring a seamless user experience.
By choosing from three available options, editors can define the resulting actions upon clicking a dashboard tile.
Available Click Behavior Options:
Drill & Breakout: Initiates a drill-down or break-out analysis. Drill enables the viewers to explore data at various levels of granularity. Break-out allows users to break a metric value into different categories. The Drill & Break-out feature is carried forward from the report and has the same experience.
Update Dashboard Filters: Enables cross-filtering by updating the dashboard filters upon clicking on a tile. The resulting analysis occurs within the same browser tab, updating relevant cards on the dashboard accordingly.
Go to Linked Insights: Facilitates seamless navigation to a linked insight, which can be another dashboard or a specified URL. You can now configure your dashboard tile to take you to another dashboard or to any URL
Note: A tile on the dashboard can be configured with only one type of click behavior. Drill & Breakout is the default click behavior of each dashboard tile. The click behavior is not applicable to text tiles.
Cross Filtering - Update Dashboard Filters
Cross-filtering refers to the interactive filtering of data in a visualization that affects other related visualizations, allowing users to explore multiple dimensions of the data simultaneously.
Where can this feature be useful?
When you click on a data point within a card on the dashboard, it automatically updates other cards by using the clicked value as a filter. For example, if you click on a column that represents sales in 'Karnataka' for 'Staples' products, the dashboard will promptly show you information related to 'Karnataka' and 'Staples' across all the other cards. This makes it easy to explore specific details without any extra effort.
Steps to Configure Cross-Filtering
Open the dashboard in Edit Mode for which you want to configure the click behavior to Cross-Filter.
Hover on the Tile on which you want to set up the click interaction. The click on that particular tile would update the dashboard filters.
Click on the More options and then click on Click Behaviour. This would open up the Click Behavior modal.
On the modal, you would by default see the Click Behavior "Enabled" and the Behavior set to "Drill & Breakout"
From the On-Click drop down select it to: Update Dashboard Filters
When you select this you would see the list of filter on the dashboard that affects the visualization on the tile. If the list is empty, it means that you have not yet configured any filter on the dashboard that links to the particular tile. You may have to create a dashboard filter that connects to the particular tile as well affects other tiles on the dashboard.
Click on Save to save your set up your click behaviour to update dashboard filters.
Once saved you can see the Cross filtering in action in the view mode.
Linked Insights
With Linked Insights, you can configure your dashboard tile to take you to another dashboard or to any URL. You can link the click on the source dashboard to capture categorical data from the source dashboard and pass it on to the target dashboard. The feature makes navigating to Linked Analysis interactive and easy.
Where can this feature be useful?
Lets understand this with an example: you have a source sales dashboard, where on one of the tiles you have product vs sales numbers. You may configure that tile to take the user to a detailed product dashboard, as well as pass the product filter to the target dashboard, so that you see the needed data when you land on the target dashboard.
Steps to Configure Linked-Insights
Open the dashboard in Edit Mode for which you want to configure the click behavior to Linked Insights.
Hover on the Tile on which you want to set up the click interaction. The click on that particular tile would take the user to a linked dashboard or to and external URL as configured.
Click on the More options and then click on Click Behaviour. This would open up the Click Behavior modal.
From the On-Click drop down select it to: Go to Linked Insights
Link To: Dashboard
Select Dashboard: Choose from the list, the target (destination) dashboard where you want to take your users on click.
Pass Values to Filter (optional): you may optionally pass the clicked value to the target dashboard.
From the first drop-down, select the column the clicked value of which from the source dashboard you want to pass.
Form the second drop-down, select the filter on the target dashboard which should take in the passed value.
If your tile has more than one columns and you want to pass more than one values to the target dashboard, you may use the "Add More" option.
Click on Save
Link to: URL
Provide URL: Provide the URL that you want to take the users after they click. The URL can be customised to take in the click value as well in the URL. The clicked value of the columns can be used too construct the URL. In the URL string, use the column name in the format: {{column_name}} (just like the variables in Sprinkle)
Available values to insert in URL: This is for you reference to see which all columns are available to you in the tile. You may click on copy icon to copy the column name in the required format.
Click on Save
Once configured, click on that particular tile takes the viewers to the desired target (dashboard or URL).
Last updated