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The journey to add filters to your dashboard has been unified, where you may add filters of a Basic kind or variables, that you may have used in your scripts.
Click on the 'Add Filter' button from the filter section.
Label: Give a name to your filter, this would appear on your dashboard.
Type: Select between the Basic filter and Variables option.
Basic Filters are those where you may link various columns used in the tables from which you have built the cards.
The Variable filter type lets you map the variables used in your cards to the filter on the dashboard.
Data Type: Choose from the following types: Numeric, Text, Date or True/False (Boolean). Selecting this helps you limit the option accordingly for the columns or variables of similar types at the card (report level).
Read about Variables in Reports V2 here.
Once filters are added, you can rearrange them in any order as per your choice.
Simply drag and drop the filter to update their order.
Here you can configure, which cards listen to the dashboard filter that you are setting up.
Once you enable a card, you need to select the column in the table to which you want to link the filter to.
Set up how the dashboard's audience interacts with the filter.
Input Method:
Type-in: Users need to type in the values to the filter
Pick-List: Users can select from the list of values. The picklist can come from the suggested values - unique values in the connected columns or the custom list.
Both: Users can type in the values or can search and select. The picklist can come from the suggested values - unique values in the connected columns or the custom list.
Show Relevant Values:
Not Applicable: When Type - Variable. It is dependent on linked columns
Show the relevant values in the suggested list of filter values. All the filters that are placed left of the current filter, filter out the options shown in the filter configured with show relevant values enabled.
Restrict Operators:
It enables you to restrict certain operators for your filter Your audience will not be shown the restricted operators in the filters.
Each filter configured needs to have a default state. It is the state of the filter that appears upon loading the dashboard. Viewers can change this state as needed.
Your audience can create and save their filter states as saved filters for the filters on the dashboard. This would enable them to quickly consume what is relevant to them.
This feature is available only in view mode and the saved filters are specific to the user.
To add or use Saved Filters, click on the Saved Filters button in the Filters section. It has 3 options:
Save Filter: It saves the current state of the dashboard filter for the user. You may provide a name to your saved filter. For eg: You are a sales manager in Karnataka and would want to quickly see sales data for it. Just create a saved filter for yourself by putting the filter value to the state filter in the dashboard as Karnataka.
My Saved Filters: This shows the list of filters saved by the user. Click on the filter and hit apply to apply the selected filter to your dashboard.
Reset to Default: Refreshes the dashboard according to the default set filter state.