
Guide to integrate your Snowflake with Sprinkle

This page covers the details about integrating Snowflake with Sprinkle.

When setting up Snowflake connection, Sprinkle additionally requires a Cloud bucket. This guide covers the role of all the components and steps to setup.

  • Integrating Snowflake: All analytical data is stored and queried from Snowflake warehouse

  • Cloud Bucket: Sprinkle stores all intermediate data and report caches in this bucket

Step by Step Guide

Integrating Snowflake

STEP-1: Allow Snowflake to accept connection from Sprinkle

Allow inbound connection on snowflake jdbc port (default is 443) from Sprinkle IPs (,

STEP-2: Configure Snowflake Connection

  • Log into Sprinkle application

  • Navigate to Admin -> Warehouse -> New Warehouse Connection

  • Select Snowflake

  • Provide all the mandatory details.

    • Distinct Name: Name to identify this connection.

    • Account Identifier: This includes the name of your organization and your specific account within that organization. The format is typically orgname-account_name, where orgname is your Snowflake organization's name and account_name is the unique name of your account.

    • Port: Provide the port number for your Snowflake account. The default port is typically 443.

    • Database: Enter the name of the specific database you want to connect to within your Snowflake account (optional).

    • Schema: The name of the database schema to use when a schema is not explicitly specified in a query.

    • Username: Enter your Snowflake account username.

    • Snowflake Stage: Provide the name of an existing external stage within your Snowflake account. External stages are used for loading data from files into Snowflake tables and vice versa. To create an external stage, refer to docs.

    • Connect Using: Choose your preferred authentication method for connecting to Snowflake

      • Password: If you select password authentication, provide your Snowflake account password.


      • Private Key: For private key authentication, generate an encrypted or unencrypted private key using the command line in a terminal window. Then Enter the generated private key.

      • Additionally, provide the corresponding passphrase for the private key in the Passphrase field.

  • Test Connection

  • Create

Create a Cloud Bucket

Cloud bucket can be created depending on your Snowflake Cloud. Sprinkle supports creating a bucket in AWS, GCP or Azure. Refer respective documents for creating a configuring the Cloud Bucket.

Last updated