
Guide to integrate your Postgres with Sprinkle

This page covers the details about integrating Postgres Database as Warehouse with Sprinkle.

When setting up Postgres as Data Warehouse, Sprinkle additionally requires a Cloud bucket. This guide covers the role of all the components and steps to set up.

Step by Step Guide

Integrating Postgres

STEP-1: Allow Postgres to accept connection from Sprinkle

  • If Postgres server is on public network, accessible over public IP, allow inbound connection on postgres port (default is 5432) from Sprinkle IPs (,

  • If Postgres server is on private network, configure SSH Tunnel in Advanced Settings.

STEP-2: Configure Postgres Connection

To learn about Connection, refer here

  • Log into Sprinkle application

  • Navigate to Admin -> Warehouse -> New Warehouse Connection

  • Select Postgres

  • Provide all the mandatory details

    • Distinct Name: Name to identify this connection

    • Host : Provide IP address or Host name.

    • Port :Provide the Port number.

    • Database : Provide database name if there is any, it should be an existing database.

    • Username: Postgres account user name

    • Password : Postgres account password

    • SSH Tunnel in Postgres:

      • Connect via SSH Host: Click on "Yes" to configure SSH Tunnel.

      • SSH Host* : IP address or hostname of the SSH server

      • SSH Public Key* : Copy the SSH public key and paste it into the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file of the SSH user on the ssh host machine

      • SSH Login Username* : Provide the SSH Login Username where you added the public key. Further, verify the provided details by testing the connection.

      • Networking rules from your end:

        • Make sure SSH Host has public IP

        • Whitelist Sprinkle IPs (, in your SSH Host. SSH host should be able to accept traffic from these Sprinkle IPs.

        • Make sure SSH port 22 is open.

        Once this setting is completed you can try test-connection and if successful, you can update the changes.

  • Test Connection

  • Create

Create a Cloud Bucket

Sprinkle stores all intermediate data and report caches in the cloud bucket. Sprinkle supports creating a bucket in AWS, GCP, or Azure. Refer to respective documents for creating a configuring the Cloud Bucket.

Last updated