Azure AKS
Guide to create AKS cluster and connect to Sprinkle
Sprinkle requires AKS cluster for data ingestion and processing. This is required to process all your data locally within your Azure private network.
Follow the below steps to create and configure AKS cluster:
STEP-1: Create AKS Cluster
Create a AKS Standard cluster with all default settings with following configuration:
Enable private cluster (if Sprinkle VM is in the same virtual private network)
Select virtual network of the sprinkle VM
STEP-2: Generate user token
Sprinkle authenticates to AKS cluster using kubernetes user token. Follow below steps to generate User token:
Install kubectl and azure CLI
Generate ~/.kube/config file:
To verify the setup, run kubectl command to fetch running nodes:
Create namespace
Create Admin User In kubernetes: Create file service-account-create.yml:
Create ClusterRoleBinding: create a file role-binding.yml:
To create a long-lived API token for a ServiceAccount, you create a new secret file sprinkle-admin-secret.yml with a special annotation,
User token Token will be printed by this command, note down the generated token:
Get Cluster CA Certificate
Last updated