SQL Server

Guide to integrate your SQL Server with Sprinkle

This page covers the details about integrating SQL Server Database as Warehouse with Sprinkle.

When setting up SQL Server as Data Warehouse, Sprinkle additionally requires a Cloud bucket. This guide covers the role of all the components and steps to set up.

Step by Step Guide

Integrating SQL Server

STEP-1: Allow SQL Server to accept connection from Sprinkle

  • If SQL Server is on public network, accessible over public IP, allow inbound connection on sql server port (default is 1433) from Sprinkle IPs (,

  • If SQL Server is on private network, configure SSH Tunnel in Advanced Settings.

STEP-2: Configure SQL Server Connection

  • Log into the Sprinkle application

  • Navigate to Admin -> Warehouse -> New Warehouse Connection

  • Select SQL Server

  • Provide all the mandatory details.

    • Distinct Name*: Name to identify this connection.

    • Host: Provide IP address or Host name.

    • Port: Provide the Port number.

    • Database: Provide database name if there is any, it should be an existing database.

    • Username: SQL Server account username

    • Password: SQL Server account password

  • SSH Tunnel in SQL Server:

    • Connect via SSH Host: Click on "Yes" to configure SSH Tunnel.

    • SSH Host* : IP address or hostname of the SSH server

    • SSH Public Key* : Copy the SSH public key and paste it into the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file of the SSH user on the ssh host machine

    • SSH Login Username* : Provide the SSH Login Username where you added the public key. Further, verify the provided details by testing the connection.

    • Networking rules from your end:

      • Make sure SSH Host has public IP

      • Whitelist Sprinkle IPs (, in your SSH Host. SSH host should be able to accept traffic from these Sprinkle IPs.

      • Make sure SSH port 22 is open.

      Once this setting is completed you can try test-connection and if successful, you can update the changes.

  • Test Connection

  • Create

Create a Cloud Bucket

Sprinkle stores all intermediate data and report caches in the cloud bucket. Sprinkle supports creating a bucket in AWS, GCP, or Azure. Refer to respective documents for creating a configuring the Cloud Bucket.

Last updated