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A brief about the comments features, along with mentions and notifications

Collaboration is the key for teams working on diverse projects and tasks. For the data teams, it is necessary as they work with various data sources and data entities. And of late when teams are working in remote environments, collaboration through digital means has become essential.

Sprinkle has introduced the comments feature on the platform to enable everyone to actively discuss, and share knowledge & information related to the data entity. And also suggest changes or updates on the data entities.

It was one of the most requested features across the data teams. And here it is! 🎉👏

So, go ahead give it a try and get the conversations going on the data entities.

Comments Section on Sprinkle

About Comments

Comments are textual conversations that take place between various stakeholders regarding the data entity. It may also contain some information that the asset owner or others want to share that is relevant to the Data Entity concerned.

Users can comment on all the data entities like data sources, models, segment reports, etc on Sprinkle.

🖱️To leave a comment💬, click the Comments button on an entity's view page. Type in your message in the field and post. You can also edit or delete your comments on entities.

Pin Comment

Admins can also Pin a comment to the top. This would be useful to communicate info related to the data entity to all the users.


Type in @ to mention someone on the post. Typing in @ opens up the suggestion prompt to choose from a list of users, yu want t mention.

Mentioning someone in your comment on a data entity, send them a direct notification on Sprinkle as well as Email notification, as may be the case.


Email Notification

When you are mentioned on a data entity, Sprinkle will send you an Email notification. Click on the link to quickly view the discussion and react.

In-Sprinkle Notification

🔔 Bell icon on the top right corner is for In-Sprinkle notification. It has two tabs, Direct and All, that is discussed below.

  • Direct

You would get a direct In-Sprinkle notification when you are mentioned on a data entity. Clicking on the notification takes you to the discussion.

  • All

Everyone who has atleast a view permission on particular entity gets the comment notification.

Last updated