Stat Card

Stat Card

A Stat Card is a special card that is used to showcase a single Data value. It is generally used to keep track of some important KPI values such as Daily Leads, Churn Rate, etc.

How to Create a Stat Card:

  • First, you need to go to Visualization Section in Report V2 and select the Stat Card option.

  • Now in the Build panel go to the Values part inside Chart Settings section and Choose or Drop the relevant Measure column with desired aggregation function such as Sum of Sales, Count of Orders, etc which you want to show in the Stat Card.

  • Then Click on the Run Button and your Stat Card will be ready.

For eg: If you want to create a User Engagement Dashboard to keep track of some important KPIs like "Daily User Logins", and "Average Time Spend" on the platform, etc then you can easily create it by using the Stat Card option in Report V2. You will need to create a Stat Card for each of the KPIs such as "Daily User Logins", "Average Time Spend" etc, and then add them to your Dashboard.

How to Format the Stat Card:

Format Panel allows you to apply various formatting techniques on the Data values in the Stat Card to make it more customized as per your need. It has the following sections:

Title: This allows you to add a relevant Title to the Data Value(Aggregated Measure Column) in the Stat Card. It has the following components:

  • Font Size: This allows you to choose the font size of the Title to be shown in the Stat Card as per your need.

  • Font Weight: This allows you to decide the appearance of the Title's font in the Stat Card. You can choose either Normal or Bold.

  • Font Style: This allows you to choose the font style for Title's font in the Stat Card. You can choose either Normal or Italic.

  • Font Family: This allows you to choose the font family for the Title's font in the Stat Card. You can choose from a set of different Font Family as per your need.

  • Distance from top %: This allows you to adjust the position of the Stat Card's title wrt the Top. You can give any value between 0 - 100 according to your requirement.

0 % means right at the Top of the Stat Card and 100 % means right at the Bottom of the Stat Card.

Stat: This allows you to apply the desired formatting to the Data Value(Aggregated Measure Column) in the Stat Card. It has the following components:

  • Font Size: This allows you to choose the font size of the Data Value to be shown in the Stat Card as per your need.

  • Font Weight: This allows you to decide the appearance of Data Value in the Stat Card. You can choose either Normal or Bold.

  • Font Style: This allows you to choose the font style for the Data Value in the Stat Card. You can choose either Normal or Italic.

  • Font Family: This allows you to choose the font family for the Data Value in the Stat Card. You can choose from a set of different Font Families as per your need.

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