Scheduled Exports


Scheduled Exports in Sprinkle allows you to automate the delivery of reports and dashboards to specified recipients at regular intervals. This feature saves time and ensures timely access to critical data.

Creating a Scheduled Export for a report

  1. Navigate to the Scheduled Exports Page: On the report, under more options, click on "Scheduled exports".

  2. Click "Add New Export": This action opens the "Add Scheduled Export" modal.

  3. Provide Essential Details:

    • Name: Assign a descriptive name to the scheduled export.

    • Select tab: This is where you can choose the tabs of the report that you want to include in the export.

    • Channel: Select the desired delivery channel (currently, email is supported).

    • Recipients: Specify the email addresses of recipients. You can manually enter addresses or select from a dropdown of registered Sprinkle users.

    • Frequency: Define the export frequency:

      • Daily: Set the specific time for daily exports.

      • Weekly: Choose specific days of the week and the time for exports.

      • Monthly: Select a specific date and time for monthly exports.

    • Attachments: Select desired attachment formats (currently, CSV is supported).

    • Filter controls: Configure the filters with which you export the report.

    • Message: Customize the email subject and body. You can use variables like {{DateAndTime}} to include dynamic information.

    • Options: Choose whether to include a report link and a data preview in the email.

  4. Save and Schedule: Click "Save" to create the scheduled export.

Managing Scheduled Exports

The Scheduled Exports page provides an overview of all created exports. You can:

  • View Export Details: Click on a specific export to see its configuration.

  • Send Now: Manually trigger an immediate export.

  • Pause/Resume: Temporarily stop or restart an export.

  • Edit: Modify export settings.

  • Delete: Remove an export.

RLS and Scheduled Exports

If the report has RLS applied, the scheduled export will respect the RLS rules, ensuring that recipients only see the data they are authorized to access.

Last updated