CDC setup in Mongo

CDC Setup on Linux

1. Need to set the following in mongod.conf configuration file.

replSetName: “replica_name”
opLogSizeMB: <integer>
replSetName - You can give any name. Use command rs.status() to get this replica set name.
opLogSizeMB - When you start a replica set member for the first time, MongoDB creates an oplog with a default size. Default size is 5% of physical memory.
Lower bound is 50MB and the upper bound is 50GB. To set this please refer to this 
  • Set the replication name and oplog size

  • replSetName: "replica_name"

  • opLogSizeMB: <integer>

  • replSetName - You can give any name. Use command rs.status() to get this replica set name.

  • opLogSizeMB - When you start a replica set member for the first time, MongoDB creates an oplog with a default size. Default size is 5% of physical memory.

  • Lower bound is 50MB and the upper bound is 50GB. To set this please refer to this blog.

2. After setting up the above parameters restart the mongoDB.

sudo service mongod restart

Check the status

sudo service mongod status

3. Now initiate the replica set run query

rs.initiate({_id: "replica_name", members: [{_id: 0, host: "<host_address>:27017"}]})

‍This will return { "ok" : 1 }

Last updated