Funnel Chart

Funnel Chart

A funnel chart is a graphical representation used to visualize how data moves through a process. In a funnel chart, the dependent variable’s value diminishes in the subsequent stages of the desired process.

Funnel charts are widely used to represent sales funnels, recruitment, and order fulfillment processes.

How to Create a Funnel Chart:

  • First, you need to go to the Visualization Section in Report V2 and select the Funnel Chart option.

  • Now in the Build panel go to the Values part inside the Chart Settings section and Choose or Drop the relevant Measure columns with desired aggregation functions such as Sum of Sales, Count of Orders, etc. which you want to plot in the Funnel Chart.

  • Now in the Labels section, you need to select the relevant Dimension Column(preferably a Categorical column) using which you want to divide the selected Data into different stages of the process to showcase in the Funnel Chart.

  • Then Click on the Run Button and your Funnel Chart will be ready.

For eg: You want to create an Online Sales Funnel for an e-commerce website report. It can be done easily using the Report V2 Funnel Chart option. You will first need to select the Measure column "Count of Users" in the Value part of Chart Settings and select the "User Status" column (having information about different stages of User activities like "Website visit", "Interest in Product", "Added Product into the Cart", and "Purchase ") in the Labels part of the same.

Then you will need to click on the Run button and your desired Funnel Chart report will be ready.

The Report V2 Funnel Chart has two panels Build and Format.


This panel is like a building block for the Funnel Chart. It allows you to select various Dimension and Measure columns for creating the Funnel Chart.

It is further divided into 3 parts:

Chart Settings: This allows you to select the relevant Dimension and Measure Columns.

  • Values: Here you can select 1 Measure Column using which you need to plot the Funnel Chart.

  • Labels: Here you can select 1 Dimension Column using which you need to divide the data into different stages in the Funnel Chart.

Row Limit: This allows you to limit the Output rows by going to the Row Limit section in the Build panel then selecting the number of rows and clicking on the Run Button.


This panel allows you to apply various formatting techniques on the Funnel Chart to make it more customized as per your needs.

It consists of various different sections which are as follows:

Title: This allows you to give a Title to the Funnel Chart. You just need to go to the Title section in the Format panel, enter the title, and click on the Apply button.

Option: This allows you to deal with the geometric aspects of the funnel-like its orientation and alignment etc. It has 4 components:

  • Funnel Orientation: It allows you to choose the orientation of the Funnel Chart like whether you want it Upright or Inverted. By default, it will be Upright.

  • Funnel Align: It allows you to select the alignment of the Funnel wrt to the Output pane. You can choose either Left, Center or Right alignment based on your requirements.

  • Gap: It allows you to adjust the gap between various stages of the Funnel.

  • Percentage Relative To: It allows you to decide whether you want to calculate the values in your funnel wrt the Top category stage in your Funnel chart. If yes, then you can choose Top from the drop-down and click on the Apply button.

Data Labels: It allows you to enable/disable the visibility of data labels in the Funnel Chart. By default, it will be disabled. It has the following components:

  • Position: This allows you to choose the position of the data labels in the Funnel chart. You can choose between the Left, Center, and Right positions from the dropdown as per your need.

  • Font Size: This allows you to choose the font size of the data labels to be shown in the Funnel Chart as per your need.

  • Font Weight: This allows you to decide the appearance of the data labels in the Funnel Chart. You can choose either Normal or Bold.

  • Font Style: This allows you to choose the font style of the data labels in the Funnel Chart. You can choose either Normal or Italic.

  • Font Family: This allows you to choose the font family of the data labels in the Funnel Chart. You can choose from a set of different Font Family as per your need.

Legend: This allows you an option whether you want to showcase the chart legends in your Funnel Chart or not with the help of a toggle button. By default it is disabled but you easily enable it by clicking on the Show Legend toggle button.

How to enable and show Legend in your Pie Chart:

  • First, you need to go to the Legend section in the Format panel and enable the Show Legend toggle button.

  • A new dropdown will open up.

  • You then need to select the Legend Type: Plain or Scroll. (Plain when you have less number of legends like 2-4 and Scroll when you have a large number of legends like more than 4).

  • Font Size: This allows you to choose the font size of the Legends to be shown in the Funnel Chart as per your need.

  • Font Weight: This allows you to decide the appearance of Legend's font in the Funnel Chart. You can choose either Normal or Bold.

  • Font Style: This allows you to choose the font style for Legends' font in the Funnel Chart. You can choose either Normal or Italic.

  • Font Family: This allows you to choose the font family for Legends' font in the Funnel Chart. You can choose from a set of different Font Family as per your need.

  • Icon: This allows you to choose the icon appearing alongside the Legends in the Funnel Chart. You can choose from a set of different Icon types like Circles, Triangles, etc as per your need. Then Click on the Apply button to reflect the changes.

Grid Offset: It allows you to adjust the chart grid as per your need. It has 4 offset types: Right, Left, Top, and Bottom.

Filed Formatting: This allows you to format field values in the selected dimension and measure columns as per your requirement. It involves changing the field values like the field value's display units, number of decimal places, adding any prefix or suffix, etc.

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