🗒️Release Notes - v9.18

Here's a look at what's new✨

📗 Chart Title Customization

  • You can now customize the titles of your charts, including position, font colour, background colour adjustments etc.

  • Title editing is now available at both the report and dashboard levels, providing a more seamless experience. Previously, title configuration was limited to the dashboard level.

🔵 Legend Customization

  • Legends can now be positioned either vertically or horizontally, with further positioning options.

  • You can also customize the colours, font size, and other styling aspects of the legends.

∑ Totals Customization

  • Grand Totals:

    • In table visualizations, the grand total row can now be moved to the Top/Bottom.

    • In pivot visualizations, the grand total row can be placed at the Top / Bottom, and the grand total column can be positioned on the Left / Right.

  • Subtotals: You can now customize the appearance of subtotal rows and columns, including their colour, font size, background colour etc.

⟦ ⟧ Multi-Field Selection for Variables in SQL Reports

You can now select multiple fields for a variable in SQL reports, allowing multiple values to be passed to expressions and displaying results for all selected values.

⎸ Improved Frozen Columns

  • A separator line now indicates the number of frozen columns. You can customize its width and colour.

  • Special formatting, such as colour changes, can now be applied to frozen columns.

🎨 Colour Customization for Pie & Doughnut Charts

  • Customize the colours for pie and doughnut charts with your own colours or choose from existing colour scales.

  • Gradient colour scales are also now available for these chart types.

📲 Mobile PDF Downloads

You can now download PDFs of dashboards directly from your mobile device.

Last updated