Layout and options
Input Pane
This pane has fields that can be selected in the Report, which you can select from the input table.
It lists all the inputs that can be added to the report, such as columns from the table, or custom fields which can be created in the form of SQL expressions.
You can drag and drop these inputs into the relevant sections, such as the Filter pane or the Visualization pane's build section.
Custom section
Custom columns: You can write SQL expressions to create new columns at the level of the input and use it in your report/visualizations.
Custom metrics: You can write SQL expressions to create complex metrics and use them in your report.
Custom filters: You can write SQL expressions to create complex logic that evaluates to a boolean and use it to filter your data.
Variables: You can create new variables here. This section shows all the defined variables at the Report level, either local or global.
Visualization Pane
You can select different visualization options to create reports, viz., charts such as line, bar, column, area, combo, scatter, pie, bubble, histogram, funnel charts, tables, pivot tables, etc.
You can create reports using the Build and Format section which has options such as selecting Table fields, Sort, Row limits, Total, Table calculations, Field Formatting, etc in this pane. For more, refer here.
Filter Pane
You can filter the reports by adding/dropping columns, metrics, or custom filters to this pane.
This pane is available in both Edit/ View modes.
Output Pane
This pane shows the output of the report, it can be in the form of a table or any charts as configured on the visualizations pane.
You can also view the SQL query of the generated report or view the details of historical runs in the Jobs section.
You can export the report table using the Download button in CSV or PDF formats.
This pane has a Save button to save the configurations for the report and a Run button to run the report with the latest configurations.
You can change the Save/Column limits from the settings menu.
Reports V2 lets you create multiple analyses from the same input in one report. For eg, You can create a Region-wise sales analysis in one tab and a Product-wise sales analysis in another tab in one report from single input - Sales table.
All parts of the report builder interface as discussed above except the inputs pane are at the tab level.
Each tab has its own visualizations pane, filters pane, and output pane.
You can add new tabs to the Report by clicking on the "+" icon next to the Tab header.
You can remove the tab from the report by clicking on the Delete button from the menu ("..." icon) beside the tab name.
Last updated