Zoho CRM
Guide to integrate your Zoho CRM with Sprinkle
Datasource Concepts
Before setting up the data import, learn about data import concepts here
Step by Step Guide
STEP-1: Configure Connection
To learn about Connection, refer here
Log into the Sprinkle application
Navigate to Ingest -> Connections Tab -> Setup connections ->
Select Zoho CRM
Provide all the mandatory details
Name: Name to identify this connection
Advance Settings: Refer here
Connect to Zoho
Test Connection
STEP-2: Configure Datasource
To learn about data import, refer here
Navigate to Ingest -> Data Imports Tab -> Setup sources ->
Select Zoho CRM
Provide the name -> Create
Connection Tab:
From the drop-down, select the name of the connection created in STEP-2
STEP-3: Create a Dataset
Datasets Tab: To learn about Dataset, refer here. Add a Dataset for each report/dataset that you want to integrate, providing the following details
Report Type (Required): Type of report
Module Name: Select from Contacts, Accounts, Deals, Activities, Campaigns, Tasks, Events, Notes, Calls
Module Name: Select from Leads, Contacts, Accounts, Deals, Activities, Campaigns, Tasks, Events, Notes, Calls
Module Name: Select from Leads, Contacts, Deals, Activities, Campaigns, Tasks, Events, Notes, Calls
Records (Records will be fetched incrementally on the Modified_Time column)
Module Name: Select from Leads, Contacts, Accounts, Deals, Activities, Campaigns, Tasks, Events, Notes, Calls
Flatten Level(Required): Select One Level or Multi Level. In one level, flattening will not be applied on complex type. They will be stored as string. In multi-level, flattening will be applied in complex level till they become simple type.
Destination Schema (Required): Data warehouse schema where the table will be ingested into
Destination Table name (Required): It is the table name to be created on the warehouse. If not given, sprinkle will create like ds_<datasourcename>_<tablename>
Destination Create Table Clause: Provide additional clauses to warehouse-create table queries such as clustering, partitioning, and more, useful for optimizing DML statements. Learn more on how to use this field.
STEP-4: Run and schedule Ingestion
In the Ingestion Jobs tab:
Trigger the Job, using the Run button
To schedule, enable Auto-Run. Change the frequency if needed
Advanced Connection Settings
API Read Timeout (In seconds): If reading the data takes more time than (n) seconds it will automatically timeout.
API Connection Timeout (In seconds): API will wait for the server to respond for (n) seconds, if the server does not respond it timeouts.
Retry Limit: If the API fails due to the API usage limit exceeded it will retry (n) more times.
Retry Sleep Time (In milliseconds): Before retrying it will wait for (n) milliseconds.
Version: Enter the required version.
Max Records Per Job: Each job will fetch maximum of (n) records for a particular dataset.
Dataset Fields
Last updated